Forest Avenue

City of Portland designated 5 of 17 historic buildings on Forest Avenue as Individual City Landmarks
The Issue
Forest Avenue was and continues to be a critical transportation corridor connecting the peninsula to Deering’s historic neighborhoods and to suburban communities beyond Portland. Transportation nodes along Forest Avenue are significant economic and community centers for the historic neighborhoods on either side of the corridor. Influenced by the number of cars that travel the corridor, mid to late 20th century land uses led to a physical appearance which is out of character with its historic origins as a street car suburb and with the city’s vision for its future as a urban mixed-use neighborhood.
In anticipation of redevelopment along the corridor, city planning staff identified several buildings to be individually designated under the city’s historic preservation ordinance. The buildings included 19th century landmarks like the iconic Odd Fellows Hall, several early 20th century auto showrooms, and a couple of mid-20th century modern buildings like the former Valle’s restaurant, now occupied by Woodford F&B.
Our Position
Landmarks is working in collaboration with local community organizations to improve public awareness of Forest Avenue's history and significance in the development of Portland. As part of the City's long term development plans to enhance the urban fabric along the Forest Avenue corridor and improve its economic vitality, the City of Portland has created design guidelines that encourage new development that reflects the historic development patterns along the corridor. As part of the that planning, Landmarks continues to advocate for the following:
Context sensitive solutions to new development and infrastructure improvements which contribute to the avenue’s historic character are important to achieving a multimodal transportation network that effectively serves the City of Portland and the surrounding communities.
Designation of potential landmarks properties. The Maine Historic Preservation Commission has identified several buildings at Woodfords Corner and near I-295 that reflect the economic and community importance of the area as individually eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The City Council decided to only designate five buildings at Woodfords Corner as landmarks in advance of development pressures. We will continue to support the preservation of the remaining properties that have been identified by the State of Maine as eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
*** Indicates Individual Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places as determined by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission.
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About a 100 turn out to hear about Woodfords Corner project Portland Press Herald
Quick Links
Forest Avenue Designations City of Portland
Transforming Forest Avenue City of Portland
Public Art Project in Woodfords Corner City of Portland
What You Can Do
Write the City Council and support the designation of individual buildings along Forest Avenue and at Woodfords Corner.
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