Munjoy Hill Matters

May is National Preservation Month which happens to coincide with the reveal of the city’s proposed historic district on Munjoy Hill. One way that we are celebrating this month is by sharing photos and histories of houses on Munjoy Hill on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #munjoyhillmatters along with the national hashtag #thisplacematters. We hope that you will follow along! We will add each image from social media on this page as the month unfolds.

Landmarks supports designation of a Munjoy Hill Local Historic District with boundaries focused on the Eastern Promenade and North Street. These resources tell the story of the Munjoy Hill neighborhood’s development over a broad period of time and retain significant levels of architectural integrity. Munjoy Hill's historic buildings are significant features of the neighborhood's streetscapes and help make the area a desirable and attractive place to live, work and play. It is necessary to preserve the character defining buildings that reflect the neighborhood's development over a broad period of time and the role the buildings' residents played in the social and cultural history of the neighborhood, before more of the Hill's historic identity is lost. Read more about Landmarks’ position here.

All contemporary photographs are from Greater Portland Landmarks or the City of Portland.

All 1924 images are from the City of Portland’s 1924 tax photos which can be found on The Maine Memory Network.

Click on the contemporary photograph to learn about the history of each building. Hover your mouse over the image for a description. Share your own Munjoy Hill history in the comments!