2020 Northern New England Preservation Directory
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1) Select listing level below.
2) Fill out application when prompted.
3) Hit apply.
4) Make payment. Application won't be sent to Landmarks until payment is complete.
Our member and Constituents need your Services
We invite you to advertise in Landmarks' Preservation Directory, our annual listing of tradespeople, consultants, business, and others who have expertise in rehabilitation of older properties.
Benefits of listing in the Preservation Directory:
Build your reputation as a high quality provider of preservation products and services.
Introduce your unique restoration services for future prospects, current clients, and other expert tradespeople.
Educate the public and support the preservation community.
All listees receive:
Listing in our online directory with a page exclusive to your business
Listing in our online index searchable by specialties or key words
Up to 75 words and one photo describing your services and products
Business name listed in Landmarks Magazine
Premium listees also receive:
3 additional (4 Total) photos illustrating their services and products in online directory.
A Landmarks Business Partner membership, which provides additional visibility, link on our website, program discounts, and more.