2017 Places in Peril Announced

Concerned that a number of historic properties in the Portland area are in danger of being irreparably altered or destroyed, we announced our 4th list of Places in Peril, to call attention to the threats facing character-defining, historically-significant properties in greater Portland. This year, Landmarks has identified seven buildings or areas that are at critical points where they could be permanently lost or diminished.

Executive Director, Hilary Bassett said, these properties help define greater Portland. In every case, the properties we’ve identified are prominently visible or have such historic significance that we must advocate for their protection and preservation. Landmarks is listing these properties to:

1.      Build community awareness about the importance of these properties and focus public attention on their significance in state and local history;

2.      Advocate for the preservation, protection, and in some cases, adaptive reuse of these properties so that they can continue to play a vital role in this area’s defining architectural landscape;

3.      Provide advice, convene people, and identify resources to preserve, protect and rehabilitate these properties.